Thursday 31 October 2013

Is your business communicating effectively?


Communication seems to be a recurring theme that I keep hearing about; so let’s see what we can do to address the communication issues in Prince Albert.

Communication with your clients is very important.  Prince Albert is a small enough community that news travels fast whether it is good or bad.  So how can you keep a positive image of your business in our community?

Consistent and encouraging communication works the best.  How can you do this?  There are several ways that can be effective. One of the easiest is through a Facebook page, which I covered in my last post

A Facebook page is the most inexpensive form of advertising that can benefit your business.  By writing a few Facebook posts a week you are keeping your business name in your clients Facebook feed, which is what you want.  When you post things that are relevant to your business and are positive in nature you will have a greater chance that your clients will visit your store and by being positive - statistics show that clients will spend more money with you over your competition.

A website. If you are a small business a website seems like a huge expense.  That is a fallacy.  An inexpensive or free site can be set up with Weebly or Wordpress.  Check out our new Samuel McLeod Business Awards website that was set up very easily with Weebly.  Your website is where your customers can go for more detailed information about your products or services.  Studies indicate that many consumers do their research online before they ever step through the door of your business.  If they can’t find the information online they will shop somewhere else.

Email lists- do you own a business that could benefit from keeping your customers informed on a weekly or monthly basis.  Mailchimp is a free and easy program that you can use to keep in contact with your clients.  Because of the recent Canadian laws concerning email marketing you must have your clients permission before you can add them to an email marketing list.  What a great way to find out evaluations of your product or service, have your customers answer a survey, notify of upcoming events or promotions.  Email marketing is only effective if it is not overused.  Do not send random messages, pick a day or date and stick with it.  Your clients will then be looking for that email, which is what you are trying to build and develop.  You can also link your email marketing to your Facebook page so that your clients can sign up via Facebook or just read your email on line.  A win, win situation.

There are a lot of opportunities to keep your name out in the community, you need to pick one and start working on it today.  Of course, the best form of communication is word of mouth.  Once people use your product or service and have a good experience that news will spread.  As a business owner you represent your business 24 hours a day, compromises can have a huge impact on the sustainability of your business.

Want to learn more?  Check back weekly for more Business Tips & Tricks!

Carolyn ~ Communications Coordinator

Thursday 10 October 2013

How is your business represented on Facebook?

I recently read an article that stated Saskatchewan residents love Facebook.  That means that your clients and customers are watching their Facebook feeds daily.  Studies show that Facebook’s most active usage is between 9am –5pm.

How is your business represented on Facebook?

Your business needs to be represented as a “page” on Facebook, this makes it so that you can promote your business or organization to the millions of users on Facebook and they can share your page and posts with others.  Which is free advertising for you. 

Here are a few things to keep in mind with your Facebook page:

  • Status updates are important but do not overwhelm, max 2-3 a day
  • Show the people that “like” your page the benefits of your business.
  • Users are more likely to engage with businesses if they post pictures.
  • Photos included in your status updates generate 53% more likes than the average post.
  • Check your spelling before you post.
  • Mentions others with @, interaction helps get you more traffic and attention.
  • If you are positive on Facebook people spend twice as much money with your business.

Prince Albert Chamber of Commerce facebook

If you think you don’t have time to keep updating Facebook -- you are wrong.

In the picture above you can see a really useful feature of having a Facebook page.  You can schedule your posts.  You can write as many status updates as you want and schedule them throughout the week or month.  In 10 minutes you can write your updates for the entire week.  Everyone can find 10 minutes once a week to update their page.

Facebook is used to keep your business name in the minds of your customers, your website is where they go for more information.  If you do not have a website you can easily create one with Weebly.  Our Samuel Mcleod Business Awards website was just created using the program and I am very impressed with how easy it is to use and all of the features.  If you do not have a website or you are looking to update your current website take a moment to check out Weebly.

Keep checking our blog for more Business Tips and Tricks!

Carolyn- Communications Coordinator

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Small Business Week 2013


We are excited to be apart of the Chief Economist’s tour through Canada during Small Business Week.  Be sure to register for this event today!
